If you are in the Overland business and you need to prepare brochures for a tradeshow or even for mail outs, it can be very difficult to know exactly where to start in the process. Tradeshow advertising and mail out advertising can be extremely effective in this business but without the right brochure or mail out you could simply be wasting your marketing budget. Here are some top tips on creating print brochures for the Overland business that will convert.
Plan every letter: when you sit down to plan out a brochure have a clear goal in mind. Whether it’s to improve sales of one particular product, to get people to visit your website and online store or just to get some inquiry calls, knowing the focus of the brochure will help you to arrange the elements on the page. With a clear strategy you can direct the eye of the user and make sure that your objectives can be accomplished with the right call to action.
Focus on your space: there’s nothing worse than a brochure that is extremely cluttered. Limiting some of the fonts and the products that you’re going to feature on the page will help to make sure that your readers will be tempted to contact you for more information. A brochure that is extremely cluttered may just overwhelm people.
Focus on the impression: using the right materials and a professional photographer for all of your product shots will help to make sure that you make the right impression immediately. Older style brochures with images that you have taken yourself will never come across as professional. A luxury brochure will definitely get someone excited about your new product or about working with your business.
Keep some of these ideas in mind on creating print brochures for trade shows and mail outs.