Finding new customers can take time and effort. Marketing your business can be even more challenging. You know you should be putting in the work to build your brand and attract new business, but the tasks and priorities of running a business can get in the way of this.

We know it takes work to set aside time from your already busy schedule, but who will be if you aren’t marketing your business? And if no one is taking care of your marketing, what happens to your sales, profits, and brand recognition?

If you want to take your business to the next level, you need to make a few simple changes. Below we’ve outlined these five easy-to-implement marketing tasks to help you unleash a higher income stream and grow your customer base.

Social media

Social media is a fantastic place to connect with your customers and followers. Comment on posts, reply to comments and ask your followers questions. It’sIt’s also one of the best places to learn about what your customers want!

Suppose you’re looking for ways to increase engagement from your audience and are interested in learning more about your customers. In that case, social media is a great place to start. You can connect with them, interact with them, and ask their opinions.

Here are some ways you can use social media in this way:

-Answer questions that your followers might be curious about

-Ask them what they’d they’d like to see on your website or in your social media posts

-Follow customers who are already getting involved in conversations that relate to the products or services you offer

By engaging directly with people online this way, you’ll get more information about what they like or dislike about what you offer. This is especially helpful when it comes time for customer service support. Suppose there’s something that’s come up in the course of a conversation between one customer and another that hints at a problem. In that case, you should be aware of it earlier rather than later so you can address it before things get out of hand!

Reach out

Suppose you’ve been in business for a while. In that case, you probably have a list of clients and customers you’ve worked with. Some may have become regulars, and others may have stopped asking for your services, but chances are there are still some people out there who could use your help.

While it may seem intimidating to reach out to people you haven’t spoken with in a while or to make that first contact with prospects, don’t be afraid. There are plenty of ways to reconnect with old clients that won’t be too time-consuming or require special skills—you can send them an email or text message or even call them on the phone. Just ask yourself what they need and if you can help.

Just as importantly, ask them if they know someone who might need your services. You must always find out where your next lead or client will come from!

Repurpose old content

This is a great way to repurpose. You can use this to grow your blog, but also it’s a way to share information with people who are interested in what you have to say.

Repurposing old content is a great way to get more out of all the content you create and share online. Repurposing can help you grow your business and reach new customers by helping you turn content into something that has more value for readers.

If you have a blog, you can repurpose your articles as ebooks or checklists and sell them through Amazon or iTunes. Or, if you have an ebook, you can repurpose it into an audiobook or video course.

You can also repurpose your videos and turn them into podcasts or PowerPoint presentations. Some people even take their podcasts and turn them into books!

Thank a customer

Many marketers are so busy that they forget the most basic marketing task — sending thank-you notes.

Thank you can go a very long way with your customers. Make sure to reach out and thank your customers. If you have an email list, send them a personalized message thanking them for their business. If they purchased from your store, call or text them. Even if they bought from another store, send them a quick thank-you note or gift card to show how appreciative you are of their business.

If you still need an email list, there are still many ways to reach out and thank your customers. For example:

Write a post on social media thanking them for their purchase and sharing how much you appreciate their business.

Send a handwritten note thanking them for their purchase and thanking them again for supporting your small business.

Send an email thanking them specifically for purchasing from your store (or any other way they supported you).

Email newsletters

Keeping your customers up to date on what you have going on is one of the easiest ways to provide value in return for their lifelong loyalty.

When you keep a relationship with a customer, they will be more likely to continue buying from you and refer others to you. They’llThey’ll feel that they know you and that they can trust you. If a new marketing opportunity comes along, they will be receptive because they already feel like they have a relationship with you.

Sending out regular newsletters provides an easy way for people to stay in touch with you. It’s not an effort for them, it’s easy for them, and by giving them something of value (information about what’s going on in your business, new products or services that are available) in return for nothing (they don’t even have to give you their email address), you’re building brand loyalty.

Get things done 

So take some time today to do one of the five tasks we outlined above. Then tomorrow, do another one. Try to make this a regular part of your marketing plan, the same way that you might schedule time each week to write blog posts or send out social media updates. By taking these simple steps daily, you can increase your website’s exposure and attract new visitors who will see you as an authority in your industry. To know more about these tasks, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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