The User Experience (UX) is one of the most critical aspects of your blog. The user experience keeps people returning to your website. It’s how well you present the information your readers need and want, and it can make all the difference in whether or not someone will leave a site feeling frustrated or successful! In this article, we’ll look at eight ways to enhance how users experience your content, from their first visit until they leave with a smile. And yes, some people consider those categories mutually exclusive. But by using these techniques consistently, over time, they will result in a better user experience overall!

Table of contents

The table of contents is essential in a blog post, as it gives readers an idea of the rest of your article. It’s also a great place to include links and other information you want people to know about before they read the rest of your article.

To add a table of contents to your blog posts:

  • Type out your headlines below the “Title” field in WordPress (or whatever blogging platform you use). An excellent way to do this is using bullet points, so each headline has its row in the table editor on WordPress or Blogger. You can also write them out manually on paper and then copy/paste them into WordPress or Blogger after making sure there are no spaces between each title tagline for each bullet point!
  • Once everything looks good, click “Save Draft” at the bottom right corner where it says “Saved draft for future editing.”


Images are a great way to break up text and add visual interest. You can use them for

  • Illustrating a point
  • Making a point
  • Adding color or context to your post (e.g., adding an example photo from your daily life)
  • Adding emotion or meaning to your post


Videos are a great way to add interactivity and engagement to your blog posts. Videos can help draw in new readers who may have yet to click on your articles. They also allow for more freedom of expression than text, making them perfect for introducing new ideas or concepts that require explanation.

While this might sound like it would be hard work (it is), we’ve come up with a few simple tips that will help you create amazing videos:

  • Start by figuring out what kind of content works best in video form—a description of an event, an interview with someone important in the industry, and so on! Once you know what type of information works best when presented through visuals, try different styles until you find one that suits you and your audience.* Think about how different parts should look before shooting anything else.* Include subtitles if necessary because some people may not understand everything said during interviews due to language barriers.*

Audio version

You can also create audio versions of your posts. This is a great way to add value and enhance your blog, as it helps people listen to it while on the go.

You can either do this in-person or online:

  • Use the recordings of your interview as playable audio on your page.
  • Or you can record yourself reading out loud what’s written on the page.

Internal links

Internal links are links within the same page. They’re great for improving user experience and increasing the chances of a visitor clicking on an internal link.

Internal links can also help you rank higher in search engine results, which means more traffic for your blog!

Examples of internal linking:

  • If you have a post about writing and publishing fiction, include links to other articles that discuss how writers learn new skills or techniques (e.g., “How To Write A Book” by Stephen King). This will encourage people interested in self-improvement to click through from another article instead of just reading it straight out from front-page display mode where there aren’t any other valuable options aside from “Go Back.”

Call to action

A call to action (CTA) is a button or link that encourages readers to take a specific action. It’s used in many forms, including:

  • The CTA at the end of an article asks you to subscribe or follow the author on social media.
  • A simple “Add me on Facebook” button at the bottom of each page and post on your blog
  • A “Buy now” button in an email newsletter. Use this with any product or service that you’re selling. It works best when it’s an automated process—for example, if I were sending out emails about my latest book release, I’d probably include links for people who want their copy of my book along with all their friends’ contact info so they can buy one too!

Related posts

Related posts are a great way to engage your readers. If you have a list of related posts on your blog, this will help them find more relevant content for the main article.

If you still need this list, consider creating one so readers can easily access it when they need it most.

Sharing options

Sharing options on your site allows your readers to immediately share your post on their social media and other means.

  • Social media: Allow your readers to share your blog post on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites.
  • Email: Allow your readers to forward the link to your article to people who want to read it. This helps your site’s reach.


In this article, I’ve covered the different ways you can enhance your blog posts. As a writer, these techniques can help you add more value to your content and increase engagement with your readers. But remember—no matter your chosen method, make sure you have something interesting to say ! Contact us to know more!

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