Top PPC trends you need to be using

There are a good number of massive developments in PPC advertising within the past year. If your company is attempting to stay up-to-date with all the latest paid search advertising solutions, it is extremely important that you continue using these methods to improve the conversion rates of your advertising so that your budget can stretch much further. Here are some top PPC trends that simply can’t be ignored for the future of your advertising:

The messaging:

Around 95 characters is all you can get for typical PPC advertising. There are however some ways that you can create ad extensions that can make your 95 characters stand out against the competition. By using more structured statements and adding a bit of whitespace to your characters with spaces, you can create a highly stylized PPC ad that will definitely stand out against competitors.

Video advertising:

A top-quality video ad needs to be put into place to remain on trend with any kind of top video campaign. Using quality video ads could be an opportunity that your company is missing out on. Video advertising in search results are now more important than ever before and with many top search engines now including video content as part of its search engine results, integrated PPC advertising needs to be used with the same emphasis as text ads. Focusing a large degree of your budget into video campaigns while to make sure that the future of your company is well represented in video content.

Looking at your old ads:

if you have older ads in your search network it could be time to consider remarketing them. Rather than consistently pushing out the same advertising that you have been for years, consider changing and updating your PPC strategy for the newest standards. Changing up your older advertising strategies could help you to capture a whole new market and convert new visitors at a much lower rate. Even if your current advertising is still working well, there is always room for improvement.

Keep some of these top PPC trends in mind for the future!

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