Don’t feel bad if you are having a hard time trying to get younger people to engage with your businesses social media presence. Connecting with the millennial generation – those between the ages of 18 & 35 – is not an easy as you’d think. These kids, myself included, were raised on gadgets & the internet and we’re always the first group to adopt new technology. Now how do you get us excited & interested in your product or service?!? How do you get them to engage with your Facebook, Twitter, or Google+ Pages? Here are some takeaways from the IDG Research Group‘s most recent infographic about what interests the millennials in the tech industry.
How to Reach the Millennial Generation with Social Media
Getting anyone to notice you on Facebook is a challenge. Reaching the Millennial generation is just near impossible.
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IDG Research Group asked millennials in the tech industry what topics interest them most and what gets them to visit a website. The results from this study were fascinating and can be applied to any business – not just tech. For example:
- 75% of millennials wanted news
- 59% of millennials wanted information about travel
- 62% were interested in food
Now check out the tech preferences of Millennials compared to those older than 35:
- 50% of millennials relied on video sharing sites like YouTube – compared to only 29% of the 35+ crowd
- 52% of millennials relied on retailer websites – compared to 41% of people older than 35
Here’s why Social Media Marketing is so important to generate engagement from millennials:
59% of millennials use social media to find information – compared to only 29% of 35+’ers.
What Gets Millennials to their Favorite Websites?
Now that we understand how to reach them, let’s look into what gets them to their favorite websites. Millennials look for beautiful photos, concise copy & engaged communities from their favorite websites.
- 76% of millennials said their favorite websites had easy to understand the content.
- 54% of millennials said their favorite websites had the ability to consume content on the phone (Mobile Friendly)
- 88% of millennials said the best websites had content that was both reliable and accurate
- 59% of millennials said their favorite websites had great graphics and images
Other factors that millennials considered when determining to return to a specific website source or website included:
- Straightforward, unbiased content
- Multiple Viewpoints
- Good Community/User Reviews
- Content relevancy to career/aspirations
- Respected author or brand
- Content was short and concise
Takeaways: How to use this information
These statistics make it easy to determine where to improve your social media marketing to attract the millennial generation to your page.
- Use high-quality images
- Integrate brief status updates – about 100 characters is possible
- Respond to everyone who comments on your page
- Ensure the content you’re posting is relevant to your fans
What are you going to do today to get a millennial to engage with you on your social media page?