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Multimedia search

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Metadata search and Query by example
– Search is made using layers in metadata
Metadata contains information of multimedia file content
Metadata search is easier, faster, and effective
– It searches using text instead of complex material
– Three processes in this method: summarization of media content, filtering of media descriptions, categorization of media descriptions
– Query by example uses multimedia content (image, audio, video) for search
– Query is a media and often used for audiovisual indexing
– Descriptors are generated for query media and media in database
– Descriptors of query and database media are compared
– Media is listed sorted by maximum coincidence

Multimedia search engine
– Two big search families based on content: visual search engine and audio search engine
– Visual search engine includes image search and video search
– Image search uses simple metadata and indexing methods for accurate results
– Video search uses simple or complex metadata and audio search engines
Audio search engine includes voice search engine and music search engine

Visual search engine
– Visual search engine has two topics: image search and video search
– Image search uses simple metadata and indexing methods
– Query by example, such as QR codes, improves accuracy of user queries
– Video search can use simple or complex metadata and audio search engines
– Audio in videos is usually scanned by audio search engines

Audio search engine
Audio search engine includes voice search engine and music search engine
Voice search engine allows searching using speech instead of text
– It uses algorithms of speech recognition, like Google Voice Search
– Music search engine works on simple metadata but also has music recognition programs
– Examples of music recognition programs are Shazam and SoundHound

Multimedia search involves searching for multimedia content using different methods
Metadata search and query by example are two popular methods
– Visual search engine and audio search engine are two types of multimedia search engines
– Visual search engine includes image search and video search
Audio search engine includes voice search engine and music search engine

Multimedia search (Wikipedia)

Multimedia search enables information search using queries in multiple data types including text and other multimedia formats. Multimedia search can be implemented through multimodal search interfaces, i.e., interfaces that allow to submit search queries not only as textual requests, but also through other media. We can distinguish two methodologies in multimedia search:

  • Metadata search: the search is made on the layers of metadata.
  • Query by example: The interaction consists in submitting a piece of information (e.g., a video, an image, or a piece of audio) for the purpose of finding similar multimedia items.
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