Affiliate Program
Do you own a business where your clients are often asking for web design or digital marketing services? Do you already offer these services but don’t have the time or staff to handle all of your requests? If so, why not consider forming a strategic partnership with a web development agency like Stoute Web Solutions?
Okay so how do all parties benefit from a strategic partnership?
For the Referring Company: First, there’s the compensation. We’d likely set up the relationship contractually, typically 10% of the referred client’s first year total revenue. Secondly, there’s the satisfaction of connecting your clients to a company that will take action and help them succeed in the marketplace — whether it’s a website, SEO or PPC project, or just ongoing website maintenance services. For Portland based companies, we’d also offer a third value of an intial meeting with all three parties, if desired.
For the Client: The client receives the service. Strictly speaking, it would be the same high level of service as we apply to all client relationships. But, Stoute Web Solutions is distinguished in a few important ways. First, we cater to small- to mid-size business websites utlilizing state of the art Content Management System hosted, installed, and configured by dedicated professionals. Next we combine the expertise with creative, experienced, and practical solutions. We also shine in communication with our clients and are able to explain highly technical topics in a manner which they understand, which is why so many of them request related services such as CMS training and ongoing website maintenance.
For Stoute Web Solutions: We would benefit from the new and recurring business. Plus, being in an established partnership is an added extra incentive to go above and beyond for clients. After all, when a company refers you to someone, there’s an added incentive in the consultant-client mix. It becomes a consultant-client-referrer mix, where the consultant needs to (1) knock the project out of the park for the client, thus (2) validating the referral, so that (3) additional referrals come in via this channel.
How are strategic partnerships formed?
Optimally, both sides of a partnership must see a clear benefit. So, it’s not something any company would (or should) jump into blindly. Rather, it’s something that should be discussed — likely first via phone and then in a face-to-face meeting to discuss specifics, assess cultural fit, plot expectations, discuss how referrals should be given to ensure that they’re tracked back, and more. After that, if everyone is behind it, the parties basically ink the deal and life goes on. Cultural fit is probably the most important. Not all companies will view the client service the same as we do or as you do. So, that really has to click.
Once it’s formed, Stoute Web Solutions is the receiving party. So, there isn’t too terribly much for us to do from there on out, other than to be there if/when called. On the other side of the table is the sending party, and it can go in numerous ways from that side. At a minimum, the company’s staff should be made aware of the partnership. How the commission/referral fees are distributed by company staff would be up to each company to decide. From there, the company can decide how such services might be marketed. For example, integration with a website, mentions in the company newsletter, or other means as deemed appropriate.
Get started – become a partner
To become a partner, we have a few options.
- Fill out the registration form here: (opens in a new window)
- Sign up to be an affiliate partner here: (opens in a new window)
- Fill out the form below to get your partner profile created on our site (optional).