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Much as the term implies, marketing automation is a system to nurture leads and turn them into customers through a pre-determined set of processes. HubSpot describes marketing automation at its best as: “software and tactics that allow companies to buy and sell like Amazon — that is, to nurture prospects with highly personalized, useful content that helps convert prospects to customers and turn customers into delighted customers” but warns that “companies that implement complicated automation programs without a reliable source of organic leads find that their investment has little impact on revenue.”

Even though marketing automation is a tool which many business owners struggle to understand the ROI of, or implement effectively, many businesses large and small benefit from its use — however, this tool likely requires additional education to manage effectively and can often take up significant time. If poorly managed, marketing automation will: at best, be ineffective — and at the worst, can actually hurt your brand.

Examples of the types of clients which often see success with this digital marketing tool: most businesses large and small can benefit from properly managed marketing automation

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